Audio: Polyamorous Pioneer Enters Third Act

Janet Hardy photographed by Auey Santos.

The queer population is home to every type of individual, and people of all sorts of lifestyles and identities intersect. Polyamory is one such lifestyle that overlaps with the queer community in a major way. Author, illustrator, and publisher Janet Hardy has spent the majority of her life educating people about sexuality, polyamorous relationships, and beyond. Noel Stevens spoke with Hardy to get a glimpse into her wild and fruitful life.

Hardy's most recent project is an ongoing blog about the time period she spent juggling her writing career and raising her young sons.

"It’s about the years during which I was coming into prominence as a writer and speaker and educator about alternative sexuality. At the same time, I was raising my sons, and I had to accommodate these very two different parts of my life. I wish someone would write a book about parenting as an alternative sexuality parent, I think there is a crying need for that," Hardy said.

You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter and check out her published works on Amazon.